Our wide experience in real estate transactions includes sales and acquisitions, commercial leases, high value residential leases, property tax issues, 1031 exchanges and tax-driven transactions. At McKenna Brink Signorotti LLP, we advise clients in a wide variety of real estate transactions. We have extensive experience in assisting property owners, buyers and developers to realize the highest value from their property. Our wide experience in real estate transactions includes:

  • Negotiation and documentation of sales and acquisitions;

  • Property tax issues, including valuation issues and appeals of assessments;

  • Real property tax valuations, assessments and appeals;

  • Negotiation and documentation of commercial leases;

  • Negotiation and documentation of tax-driven transactions, including deferred like-kind 1031 exchanges

Reach out to us today to talk with Ericka L. McKenna, the head of our Real Estate Transactions group, or Ryan W. Lockhart, the head of our Tax and Estate Planning Group.